Social Media Resources – National Military Appreciation Month

Social Media Gallery for National Military Appreciation Month

To raise awareness around National Military Appreciation Month, the Children's Bureau Learning & Coordination Center (CBLCC) has developed several captivating social media messages. Help us build awareness and engage the public! Download these resources (right-click, then “Save image as...”) to use in your own e-mails, newsletters, presentations, or other tools, or share directly to your Facebook page.


Facebook: There are more than 1.6 million military children who face challenges and unique experiences as a result of their parents' service.

Twitter: There are more than 1.6 million military children who face challenges and unique experiences as a result of their parents' service.


Facebook: On average, military families move every two to three years and finding new schools and new support systems can be difficult for military children. Learn more about supporting #milkids

Twitter: On average, military families move every two to three years and finding new schools and new support systems can be difficult for military children. Learn more about supporting #milkids


Facebook: The Month of the Military Child website offers a variety of resources for #milkids and families, including self-care content produced by Sesame Workshop.

Twitter: The Month of the Military Child website offers a variety of resources for #milkids and families, including self-care content produced by Sesame Workshop.


Facebook: While military members serve around the world, we often forget the challenges faced by their children. On average, military families move every two to three years and finding new schools and new support systems can be difficult for military children.

Twitter: While military members serve around the world, we often forget the challenges faced by their children. On average, military families move every two to three years and finding new schools and new support systems can be difficult for military children.

Hashtags for National Military Appreciation Month

