Trauma and Healing

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Trauma and Healing

Those working in child welfare often work with children and adults who are healing from a history of trauma. This Innovation Stream focuses on understanding trauma, including how it affects development; relationships, especially children’s relationship with caregivers; and parenting.

Featured Resources

Digital Dialogue
Helping Children Heal: Stabilizing Adoption and Foster Care by Supporting Children and Youth with Behavioral Intervention video page

Helping Children Heal: Stabilizing Adoption and Foster Care by Supporting Children and Youth with Behavioral Intervention

In this Digital Dialogue, we discussed how unresolved trauma impacts children and youth and how the Behavioral Interventionist program supports adoption and foster care stability.

Digital Dialogue
Supporting Children and Youth Dealing with the Loss of a Parent or Caregiver video page

Supporting Children and Youth Dealing with the Loss of a Parent or Caregiver

The loss of a parent or caregiver can have cascading impacts on child well-being. Learn more about how to work with caregivers so they can best support a grieving child.

From the Field
Polyvictimization PDF

From the Field: Understanding and Responding Proactively to Polyvictimization

This document captures key concepts and discussion with the field on the special needs of individuals experiencing polyvictimization.

Complete List of Resources

Videos and Social Media

Tools and Tip Sheets

Digital Dialogue Recordings

External Resources
