Social Media Resources: Purposeful Parenting

Social Media Resources for Purposeful Parenting

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  4. Social Media Resources: Purposeful Parenting

To raise awareness around Purposeful Parenting Month, the Children's Bureau Learning & Coordination Center (CBLCC) has developed several captivating social media messages. Help us build awareness and engage the public! Download these resources (Right-click/Context Menu and select "Save image as...") to use in your own e-mails, newsletters, presentations, or other tools, or share directly to your Facebook page.


Facebook: July is Purposeful Parenting Month! Check out our new learning module about Birth Parent & Foster Caregiver Partnerships from a family systems perspective. Throughout the module, you’ll hear from Dr. Elayne Chou, who suggests ways to apply the ideas in your own work.
#purposefulparenting #parents #fostercaregiver #birthparent #caregiver #fostercare

X: July is Purposeful Parenting Month! Check out our new learning module about Birth Parent & Foster Caregiver Partnerships from a family systems perspective.


Facebook: July is an ideal time for active parenting. During the summer, children are out of school and spend a lot of time with family. This extra time allows parents to practice healthy habits with their kids each day, which can lead to an environment for open and healthy discussion and, ultimately, a rewarding family experience.
The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs offers parenting resources specifically for Veterans. These resources provide parenting tools, techniques and strategies to help you deal with emotions—not just your child's emotions, but your own as well. Learn more!

X: July is an ideal time for active parenting. During the summer, children are out of school and spend a lot of time with family. That's where purposeful parenting comes in. Learn more!


Facebook: Essentials for Parenting offers free resources to help parents build safe, stable, and nurturing relationships with their children. Get expert advice on common parenting challenges, watch fun "how-to" videos for specific positive parenting skills, and get quick tips on common parenting questions.

X: Get expert advice on common parenting challenges, watch fun "how-to" videos for specific positive parenting skills, and get quick tips on common parenting questions.


Facebook: Positive parent-child relationships set the stage for children's success in school and in life. Use the resources on this page to increase your knowledge about parenting programs that are most likely to be effective with families of young children in the settings where you work.
Find tips and strategies for how to implement these programs well. Program staff and caregivers can share and discuss these resources with parents and families in their everyday work.
#purposefulparenting #parents

X: Positive parent-child relationships set the stage for children's success in school and in life. Check out tips and strategies!
#purposefulparenting #parents


Facebook: July is Purposeful Parenting Month! Check out our new learning module about Birth Parent & Foster Caregiver Partnerships from a family systems perspective. Throughout the module, you'll hear from Dr. Elayne Chou, who will suggest ways to apply the ideas in your own work.
#fostercaregiver #birthparent #caregiver #fostercare

X: July is Purposeful Parenting Month! Check out our new learning module about Birth Parent & Foster Caregiver Partnerships from a family systems perspective.


Facebook: Are you a veteran looking for parenting tips?
This site helps you with communication, discipline, emotional and physical challenges, emotions and behavior, and even managing stress. Learn more here!

X: Are you a veteran looking for parenting tips? This site helps you with communication, discipline, emotional and physical challenges, emotions and behavior, and even managing stress. Learn more here!