Curated Resources: Working with Families Impacted by Incarceration
Bill of Rights for Children of Incarcerated Parents,
This widely used document describes a set of rights regarding children of incarcerated parents as well as an agenda for action for these minors.
Family Law Handbook [PDF],
Coming from Yale Law School, this handbook spans over 90 pages of information on parenting rights when incarcerated.
Working with the Correctional System and Incarcerated Parents,
This podcast for child welfare staff provides practical information on how to navigate the protocols and procedures of state correctional visits to support contact between incarcerated parents and their children.
Reunification and Visits with Parents Who are Incarcerated,
This page provides links to a range of resources for child welfare professionals who are supporting the reunification of a child with a parent who is about to be released from a correctional system.
Tip Sheet for Youth: Youth Supporting Fellow Youth Who Have an Incarcerated Parent ,
This tip sheet was written by youth who have an incarcerated parent for youth who have an incarcerated parent.
In their Words: 4 Young People Share Experiences with Having an Incarcerated Parent[Video],
This video shares the stories of four young women who are dealing with having a parent behind bars.
Children in Foster Care with Parents in Federal Prison [PDF],
Provides answers to frequently asked questions regarding helping children to reunite with their incarcerated parents.
Engaging Fathers for Successful Re-entry,
This guide provides data on common challenges facing fathers on re-entry