Child Maltreatment Prevention: A Planning Framework for Action

Child Maltreatment Prevention: A Planning Framework for Action

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Two states—Colorado and South Carolina—forged a relationship with noted child maltreatment prevention researcher Deborah Daro and a team from the Chapin Hall Center for Children at the University of Chicago to frame and develop an approach to child abuse and neglect prevention planning. Recognizing that many states could benefit from this work, the Children’s Bureau’s Office on Child Abuse and Neglect (CB/OCAN) provided funding to Chapin Hall through CBLCC to develop a framework for prevention planning that would be useful to all states. The resulting document, Child Maltreatment Prevention: A Planning Framework for Action, provides a comprehensive guide to prevention planning at state and local levels.


Tools You Can Use

The following resources are included in the Framework document, but are also provided here as easily sharable tools and handouts.