WE CAN Adaptable Images Addiction Bullying CAN Awareness Concrete Supports Domestic Violence Engaging Communities Fatherhood Military Families Parent Support Parental Depression Parenting Polyvictimization Positive Parenting Self Care Special Needs Trafficking Trauma and Healing Workforce Select TagAddictionBullyingCAN AwarenessConcrete SupportsDomestic ViolenceEngaging CommunitiesFatherhoodMilitary FamiliesParent SupportParental DepressionParentingPolyvictimizationPositive ParentingSelf CareSpecial NeedsTraffickingTrauma and HealingWorkforceOkCancel A caring adult can help a child heal. ADHD doesn't have to get in your child's way. All babies cry. Ask a young parent if they need help or support. Be a champion of safety for our children. Be a child's hero. Be a smart parent. Being a new parent can feel overwhelming. Being a parent means being on call 24 hours a day. Build strengths that will keep you strong when things get tough. Childhood experiences have a lifelong impact on our health. Connect with other parents for support or advice. Create a brighter future for you and your child. Deployment, relocation, and separation can be hard on children. Doctors can be a good source of parenting advice and support. Doctors don't just give checkups. Empower children. Even the best dad doesn't have all the answers. Give your children a good start in life. Give yourself a break.